学術変革領域研究 2.5次元物質科学

学術変革領域研究 2.5次元物質科学


Original member

X00 :Administrative Group

In order to promote organic collaboration between research groups and between planned research projects, the research group will take the lead in promoting research exchanges between groups and will commit to generating results by providing organizational support through the establishment of joint use centers in charge of synthesis, stacking, structural measurement, and optical measurement within the field.

Administrative Group Members

〇:Principal investigator, Others: Research Assistants

〇Hiroki Ago Kyushu University
Susumu Okada University of Tsukuba
Yasumitsu Miyata  Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kazunari Matsuda  Kyoto University
Mikito Koshino  Osaka University
Kosei Ueno  Hokkaido University
Kosuke Nagashio  The University of Tokyo
Tomoki Machida  The University of Tokyo
Hidehiro Sakurai Osaka University
Yukiko Takamura JAIST
Eiji Nishibori University of Tsukuba
Yutaka Ohno  Nagoya University

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Group A01:Material Creation for 2.5D Structures (Materials Creation Group)

Creation of 2D materials based on synthesis and design technologies for high-quality 2D materials and related materials that exhibit outstanding and novel properties

We are mainly responsible for the design and synthesis of high-quality 2D materials that exhibit outstanding physical properties and unique characteristics, and create materials that will serve as building blocks for 2.5D materials science. We will conduct high-crystal and wafer-scale synthesis of 2D materials such as graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC), and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), as well as research on crystal growth and fundamental science of new types of 2D materials showing exotic physical properties.

Group A01 Members

A01:Material Creation Group Principal Investigator
Susumu Okada
Professor, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Design of new materials by DFT and computational support

A01 : Material Creation Group Research Members
Hiroki Ago
Professor, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University

CVD Growth and Intercalation of Two-Dimensional Materials

A01 : Material Creation Group Research Members
Hidehiro Sakurai
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University

Creation of Pseudo-Two-dimensional Structures Based on Organic Synthesis

A01 : Material Creation Group Research Members
Kenji Watanabe
Specially Appointed Researcher, National Institute for Materials Science

High-pressure synthesis and vapor phase growth of high-quality h-BN

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Group A02:Construction of 2.5D Integrated Structures (Integration Group)

Promoting the creation of 2.5-dimensional materials based on technologies that stack, twist, connect, and use voids in two-dimensional materials

Through the advancement and integration of individual proprietary technologies such as robotic stacking, liquid/vapor phase deposition, and intercalation, a variety of integrated structures will be fabricated.
Based on the samples provided by the Materials Creation Group, we will provide the integrated structures to the Analysis Group, the Physical Properties Group, and the Function Creation Group, and promote joint research on the control of electronic states, the search for novel quantum properties, and device applications.

Group A02 Members

A02:Integration Group Principal Investigator
Yasumitsu Miyata
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Chemical vapor deposition and integration of 2.5D materials

A02 : Integration Group Research Members
Tomoki Machida
Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Construction of Integrated Structures by Robotic Stacking

A02 : Integration Group Research Members
Shunto Arai
Independent Researcher, National Institute for Materials Science

Self-assembled molecular film formation by liquid-phase/printing process

A02:Integration Group Research Members
Rika Matsumoto
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University

Utilization of Nanospace by Intercalation

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Group A03:Development of Analysis Techniques for 2.5D Structures (Analysis Group)

Development and advancement of advanced analytical techniques to promote the development of unique electronic, optical, and structural properties and functions in 2.5D structures

We will develop analytical techniques to reveal the unique structures and electronic states that occur in 2.5D materials and support the academic development of 2.5D materials science.
Specifically, we will use various experimental probes (light, X-ray, electron microscopy, and electron spectroscopy) to study the electronic structure of 2.5D materials, such as the electronic state induced by moíre potentials from the angular stacking of degrees of freedom and the atomic arrangement structure in the unique 2D nanospace surrounded by 2D materials. We will advance evaluation techniques that will contribute to the promotion of research on 2.5-dimensional materials.

Group A03 Members

A03:Analysis Group Principal Investigator
Kazunari Matsuda
Professor, Institute of Energy Science and Engineering, Kyoto University

Optical technology and function creation of 2.5D materials

A03:Analysis Group Research Members
Eiji Nishibori
Professor, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Structural Characterization of 2.5D Materials by Advanced Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction

A03:Analysis Group Research Members
Kazutomo Suenaga
Professor, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University

Atomic-level structural analysis of 2.5D materials using state-of-the-art electron microscopy

A03:Analysis Group Research Members
Masato Sakano
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Direct Observation of Band Structure in 2.5D Materials

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Group A04 : Exploration of Novel Physical Properties of 2.5D Structures (Physical Properties Group)

Understanding and developing the functionality of two-dimensional materials themselves and the electronic, optical, surface, and phonon properties induced by 2.5 dimensionality

Our goal is to design and fabricate 2.5D materials by adding stacking and nanospace degrees of freedom to 2D materials, and to develop novel physical properties. In particular, we will create 2.5D materials with unimaginable electronic, optical, and phonon properties by making full use of materials engineering, experimental techniques, and theories of physical properties. Furthermore, we will develop a new theoretical system to handle 2.5D materials, which are difficult to describe by conventional crystal physics, and provide recommendations for experiments. Through these research activities, we will be responsible for constructing an academic theory of condensed matter science, which will serve as the foundation for “2.5D materials science.

Group A04 Members

A04:Physical Properties Research Group Principal Investigator
Mikito Koshino
Professor, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Theory of properties of hybrid-moire materials and development of new functions

A04:Physical Properties Research Group Research Members
Yukiko Takamura
Professor, School of Advanced Science and Technology, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Creation of novel electronic properties by single-composition atomic films such as silicene and multilayering

A04:Physical Properties Research Group Research Members
Takao Sasagawa
Associate Professor, Institute of Innovative Research, Science Tokyo

Exploitation of exotic physical properties using crystal growth (topological materials, superconductors)

A04:Physical Properties Research Group Research Members
Assistant Professor, School of Science, Science Tokyo

Functional expression of electrical, photoconductive, and thermoelectric properties in diverse 2.5D materials

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Group A05 : Development of 2.5D Structures for Electronic, Photonic and Energy Applications (Function Creation Group)

Aiming to create a wide range of functions based on electronic, photonic, and energy application technologies for two-dimensional nanomaterials and 2.5-dimensional structures

In order to realize a paradigm shift in materials science toward social transformation, we will develop an image of what are the promising applications of 2.5D materials and how 2.5D materials can contribute to society. We will develop our research with this in mind. In particular, while controlling the “interface and space,” which is the common core that constitutes devices, we will create, explore the science of, and develop applications for electronic, optical, and energy devices that utilize integrated 2.5D materials.

Group A05 Members

A05:Function Creation Group Principal Investigator
Kosei Ueno
Professor, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University

Chemical sensors and optical energy conversion devices based on 2.5D materials

A05:Function Creation Group Research Members
Kosuke Nagashio
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Control of Transistor Properties by 2.5D Interface Control

A05:Function Creation Group Research Members
Yutaka Ohno
Professor, Institute for Materials Research and Systems for the Future, Nagoya University

Creation of Flexible Electronics Based on 2.5D Materials

A05:Function Creation Group Research Members
Yoshiaki Matsuo
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo

Application of 2.5D Materials to Energy Storage Devices

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Advisors and Evaluation Committee Members

Katsumi Kaneko Distinguished Professor, Shinshu University
Koichiro Saiki Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Susumu Saito Institute Professor/Professor Emeritus, Science Tokyo
Naoki Yokoyama Honorary Fellow, Fujitsu Limited
Stephan Roche Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain
Young Hee Lee Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Junichiro Kono Rice University, USA
Chun-wei Chen National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan

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Support Staff

Momoyo Kashiwada 
Public Relations
Hideko Monden Illustrator
Science Communicator
Tomoko Kudo Secretary
 Ayako Sugawa