学術変革領域研究 2.5次元物質科学

学術変革領域研究 2.5次元物質科学



オランダ フローニンゲン大学Jianting Ye教授 をお招きし、
第8回 国際連携セミナー を公開にて開催しました。

開催日時:2024年 3月 14日(木) 17:00~18:30(JST)


講  師:Prof. Jianting Ye

Title:“Field Effect Control of Quantum Phases in 2D Materials”

Recent breakthroughs in electronic states have primarily centered on 2D materials, with particular attention given to artificial multilayer systems, where unconventional phenomena like superconductivity and ferromagnetism have been uncovered in bi- and tri-layer systems. This talk will discuss the quantum phase transitions and Ising superconductivity within 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. Using ionic gating techniques, quantum phases, including superconductivity, can be induced and controlled in various 2D materials while preserving global symmetry despite local inversion symmetry breakdown. Field-effect control of Josephson and spin-orbit coupling mechanisms is pivotal for exploring exotic electronic states predicted for coupled bilayer superconducting systems with strong spin-orbit interaction.
Within transition metal dichalcogenides, Ising-like pairing states exhibit robust orthogonal spin protection and remarkably high upper critical field values. This talk will address 1) strategies for enhancing carrier mobility to access the clean regime of Ising superconductivity and 2) explore methods for coupling two Ising superconducting states via Josephson coupling to form FFLO states. Furthermore, it will investigate approaches for controlling Ising pairing strength and accessing electronic states with broken local inversion symmetry while upholding global inversion symmetry, all facilitated by ionic gating and field-effect control of Josephson and spin-orbit coupling.


主  催:学術変革領域研究(A)「2.5次元物質科学:社会変革を目指した物質科学のパラダイムシフト」

参加登録: https://forms.gle/gDDWKDnTWJMVrwyP7 *本セミナーは終了いたしました


国際担当:高村 由起子 yukikoyt★jaist.ac.jp