学術変革領域研究 2.5次元物質科学

学術変革領域研究 2.5次元物質科学



  • 2024-02-09
    A quantum ruler for orbital magnetism in moiré quantum matter
  • 2024-02-09
    Ballistic transport spectroscopy of spin-orbit-coupled bands in monolayer graphene on WSe₂
  • 2024-02-09
    Superconductivity in twisted double bilayer graphene stabilized by WSe₂
  • 2024-02-09
    Observation of Integer and Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Twisted Bilayer MoTe₂
  • 2024-02-09
    Kapitza-resistance-like exciton dynamics in atomically flat MoSe₂-WSe₂ lateral heterojunction
  • 2024-02-09
    Nonlinear intensity dependence of ratchet currents induced by terahertz laser radiation in bilayer graphene with asymmetric periodic grating gates
  • 2024-02-09
    Revealing flat bands and hybridization gaps in a twisted bilayer graphene device with microARPES
  • 2024-02-09
    Trapping-induced quantum beats in a van-der-Waals heterostructure microcavity observed by two-dimensional micro-spectroscopy
  • 2024-02-09
    Liquid-activated quantum emission from pristine hexagonal boron nitride for nanofluidic sensing
  • 2024-02-09
    Magnetism-Induced Band-Edge Shift as the Mechanism for Magnetoconductance in CrPS₄ Transistors
  • 2024-02-09
    Twist angle dependent interlayer transfer of valley polarization from excitons to free charge carriers in WSe₂/MoSe₂ heterobilayers
  • 2024-02-09
    Observation of ultrafast interfacial Meitner-Auger energy transfer in a Van der Waals heterostructure
  • 2024-02-08
    Exciton Superposition across Moiré States in a Semiconducting Moiré Superlattice
  • 2024-02-08
    Observation of fractionally quantized anomalous Hall effect
  • 2024-02-08
    Unusual magnetotransport in twisted bilayer graphene from strain-induced open Fermi surfaces
  • 2024-02-08
    Photoinduced edge-specific nanoparticle decoration of two-dimensional tungsten diselenide nanoribbons
  • 2024-02-08
    Single Atomic Defect Conductivity for Selective Dilute Impurity Imaging in 2D Semiconductors
  • 2024-02-08
    Phonon-Mediated Quasiparticle Lifetime Renormalizations in Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride
  • 2024-02-08
    Observation of First-Order Quantum Phase Transitions and Ferromagnetism in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene
  • 2024-02-08
    Gate-modulated reflectance spectroscopy for detecting excitonic states in two-dimensional semiconductors
  • 2024-02-08
    Edge Contacts to Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons
  • 2024-02-08
    Electron density control in WSe₂ monolayers via photochlorination
  • 2024-02-08
    Valley Polarized Holes Induced Exciton Polaron Valley Splitting
  • 2024-02-08
    Quadrupolar excitons and hybridized interlayer Mott insulator in a trilayer moiré superlattice
  • 2024-02-08
    Polaritonic Probe of an Emergent 2D Dipole Interface
  • 2024-02-08
    Phase diagram of the ν=2 quantum Hall state in bilayer graphene
  • 2024-02-08
    Effects of Floquet Engineering on the Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Monolayer WS₂
  • 2024-02-08
    Layer-Dependent Interaction Effects in the Electronic Structure of Twisted Bilayer Graphene Devices
  • 2024-02-08
    Annealing of blue quantum emitters in carbon-doped hexagonal boron nitride
  • 2024-02-08
    Observation of the Time-Reversal Symmetric Hall Effect in Graphene–WSe₂ Heterostructures at Room Temperature